tel/Whatsapp : +8613799243565
fax : 13799243565
Gunting hidrolik yang diproduksi oleh Jing gong Machinery mengadopsi desain dan permesinan baru, proses perlakuan panas dan perlakuan permukaan.
item no.:
JG150memimpin waktu:
15-45 daysasal produk:
JingGongpelabuhan pengiriman:
FOBharga pasar:
yellow/ orange/ bluetel/Whatsapp : +8613799243565
fax : 13799243565
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Skype : +8613799243565
Alat Pembuang Limbah Mobil
Gunting hidrolik yang diproduksi oleh Jing gong Machinery mengadopsi desain dan pemesinan baru, proses perlakuan panas dan perlakuan permukaan, dan menggunakan baja berkekuatan tinggi untuk memproduksi gunting hidrolik yang cocok untuk berbagai bidang.
Layanan kami
Layanan kami
1. Strict quality management produce effective and stable products to meet customers' needs.
2. The probability of our equipment breaking down is very low. According to customer feedback, under normal working conditions, there will be no failure.
3. Shipping expenses enjoyed big discount from forwarder and express company (Long Contract). Fast delivery.
If you want to know the detailed product information, we can provide you with more detailed product information or video data, we have a lot of actual site construction product information, we are very willing to provide customers with product selection scheme and construction scheme, whether you want to buy or want to further understand the equipment, we are very willing to answer for you.
We will ensure that every product sold will have excellent performance in use, and ensure that the price of our products in the case of the same product quality, give the maximum discount.
If you are looking for or would like to learn about this equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
工作范围Rentang operasi | |
动臂长度 Panjang boom | 4500mm |
斗杆长度 Panjang lengan | 2200mm |
液压剪旋转角度 Sudut rotasi geser | 360° |
液压剪最大开口距离 Maks.jarak pembukaan geser | 650mm |
液压剪刀片长度 Panjang pisau geser hidrolik | 2-2*185mm |
最大剪切力(刀片中间位置) Maks. gaya potong (di tengah pisau) | 350KN |
压车架最大提升高度 Max. mengangkat tinggi tangan menekan mobil | 2000mm |
最大工作距离 Max. jarak mobil menekan tangan bekerja | 5000mm |
外型尺寸Dimensi | |
(总长*总宽*总高)运输状态(Panjang*lebar*tinggi)Dimensi transportasi | 8000*2500*3550mm |
轴距 Basis gandar | 2850mm |
轨距 Trek pengukur | 1960mm |
履带宽 Lebar perayap | 500mm |
配重离地间隙 Ground clearance penyeimbang | 940mm |
最小离地间隙 Min. ground clearance | 420mm |
技术性能参数Performa dan spesifikasi teknologi | |
旋转角度 Sudut rotasi | 360° |
整机重量 Berat mesin | 16500kg |
发动机型号 Model mesin | 玉柴YUCHAI(EuroⅢ) |
额定功率 Nilai daya | 103kw |
额定转速 Nilai kecepatan | 2200r/mnt |
Tekanan kerja sistem hidrolik | 28Mpa |
液压系统流量 Aliran sistem hidran | 270L/mnt |
Pompa piston variabel | 2*63ml/r |
Foto terbaik dari pabrik Max. kekuatan pengangkut | 76,5KN |
行驶速度 Kecepatan berjalan (高速/低速)(kecepatan tinggi/kecepatan rendah) | 5/2,9 km/jam |
爬坡度 Kemampuan memanjat tingkat | 70%/35° |
全回转时间 Waktu berayun lingkaran penuh | 5,5 detik |
回转过载压力 Swing overload pressure | 25Mpa |
燃油量 Kuantitas bahan bakar | ≥8L/jam |
燃油箱容量 Kapasitas tangki bahan bakar | 200L |
液压油箱容量 Kapasitas tangki oli hidrolik | 200L |
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